Writing small volume of data (Bytes-MBs) with sync (fsync()/fdatasync()/O_SYNC/O_DSYNC) is very common for RDBMS and is needed to guarantee durability. For transactional log files, sync happens per commit. For data files, sync happens at checkpoint etc. Typically RDBMS does syncing data very frequently. In this case, overwriting is much faster than appending for most filesystems/storages. Overwriting does not change file size, while appending does. Increasing file size requires a lot of overheads such as allocating space within the filesystem, updating & flushing metadata. This really matters when you writes data with fsync() very frequently. The following are simple benchmarking results on ext3 RHEL5.3.
1. creating an empty file, then writing 8KB 128*1024 times with fdatasync()
fdatasync per second: 3085.94321
(Emulating current binlog (sync-binlog=1) behavior)
2. creating a 1GB data file, then writing 8KB 128*1024 times with fdatasync()
fdatasync per second: 12330.47268
(Emulating current InnoDB log file behavior)
3. zero-filling 1GB, then writing 8KB 128*1024 times with fdatasync() immediately
fdatasync per second: 6569.00072
(Zero-filling causes massive disk writes so killing application performance)
4. zero-filling 1GB, sleeping 20 seconds, then writing 8KB 128*1024 times with fdatasync()
fdatasync per second: 11669.81157
(Zero-filling finished within 20 seconds. This is actually does the same thing with no.2)
Apparently no.2(and no.4) are much faster than no.1 and no.3. The difference between no.1 and no.2 is just appending or overwriting. Four times difference is amazing but this is real and I got similar results on other filesystems except zfs (I tested xfs, reiserfs and zfs). (Updated in May 28: I got about 7,000 fsync/sec for both appending/overwriting on zfs. There is no outstanding difference because zfs is Copy On Write filesystem as comment #3)
This is one of the reason why sync-binlog=1 is very slow. Binlog is appended, not overwritten. Default sync-binlog value is 0 (no sync happens at commit) so appending does not cause serious performance drop. But there are cases that sync-binlog=1 is absolutely needed. I am currently directly working on this and implementing "preallocating binlog" functionality.
The difference between no.3 and no.4 is also interesting. Overwriting requires preallocation : allocating space before writing. If preallocation happens *dynamically during heavy loads* (no.3), application performance is seriously degraded.
No.3 is close to current InnoDB system tablespace (ibdata) mechanism. InnoDB extends tablespace size by innodb_autoextend_increment MBs dynamically, then doing overwriting. But as you see above, dynamically preallocating with zero is not good for performance.
Using posix_fallocate() instead of zero-filling will fix this issue. posix_fallocate() preallocates space without any overhead. Unfortunately currently most of enterprise Linux distributions/filesystems/glibc don't behave as expected, but internally doing zero-filling instead(including RHEL5.3).
Preallocating large enough space before going into production or low-load hours (midnight etc) is a current workaround.
Talking about InnoDB deployment, innodb_file_per_table is popular and easy-to-manage, but it's currently not overwriting architecture(Updated in May 28: Preallocating GBs of data beforehand is not possible unless you explicitly load & delete data into/from tables. The maximum (auto)extension of an .ibd file is 4MB at one time, regardless of innodb_autoextend_increment setting. See bug#31592 for detail.) Not using innodb_file_per_table, but preallocating large InnoDB tablespaces before going into production (i.e. ibdata1,2,3.., over 100GB in total) can often get better performance.
Titles in this page
- Overwriting is much faster than appending
- Make sure write cache is enabled on your RAID controller
- Tables on SSD, Redo/Binlog/SYSTEM-tablespace on HDD
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Monday, May 18, 2009
Make sure write cache is enabled on your RAID controller
Using a write cache protected by battery (BBWC) is well known and one of the best practices in RDBMS world. But I have frequently seen situations that people do not set write cache properly. Sometimes they just forget to enable write cache. Sometimes write cache is disabled even though they say they set properly.
Make sure that BBWC is enabled. If not enabled, you will be able to easily get better performance by just enabling it. The following is a DBT-2 example.
Both run same applications(DBT-2), but the server activity was significantly different each other. I got 85% better result when write cache is enabled.
Checking write cache and battery status
BBWC is mostly equipped with H/W raid controller so operational command depends on products. Here is an example of "arcconf" command result.
Write cache should be enabled only when battery backup is working. In other words:
- Write cache on logical device (H/W raid controller) is enabled when protected by battery
- Write cache on physical device is disabled
- The battery has enough capacity and long enough remaining time
I recommend DBAs to monitor write cache status regularly (adding this to your monitoring scripts), including battery status checking. Long time ago I was asked for urgent help to fix a problem that application performance suddenly went down. I looked into problems then found that write cache unexpectedly turned off because a battery was expired. If you successfully detected that battery capacity was decreased before write cache was disabled, you would be able to take an action before server performance suddenly goes down (i.e. allocating scheduled down time in order to replace the battery).
Quick health check with mysql commands
If you are not familiar with H/W raid controller specific command but want to check write cache status quickly, using mysqlslap or stored procedure is easy.
You will be able to insert thousands of records per second if write cache is enabled. If disabled, only hundreds of inserts per second is possible, so you can easily check.
Make sure that BBWC is enabled. If not enabled, you will be able to easily get better performance by just enabling it. The following is a DBT-2 example.
Write cache is disabled:
# iostat -xm 10
avg-cpu: %user %nice %system %iowait %steal %idle
21.16 0.00 6.14 29.77 0.00 42.93
Device: rrqm/s wrqm/s r/s w/s rMB/s
sdb 2.60 389.01 283.12 47.35 4.86
wMB/s avgrq-sz avgqu-sz await svctm %util
2.19 43.67 4.89 14.76 3.02 99.83
Write cache is enabled:
# iostat -xm 10
avg-cpu: %user %nice %system %iowait %steal %idle
40.03 0.00 16.51 16.52 0.00 26.94
Device: rrqm/s wrqm/s r/s w/s rMB/s
sdb 6.39 368.53 543.06 490.41 6.71
wMB/s avgrq-sz avgqu-sz await svctm %util
3.90 21.02 3.29 3.20 0.90 92.66
Both run same applications(DBT-2), but the server activity was significantly different each other. I got 85% better result when write cache is enabled.
Checking write cache and battery status
BBWC is mostly equipped with H/W raid controller so operational command depends on products. Here is an example of "arcconf" command result.
# /usr/StorMan/arcconf GETCONFIG 1 AL
Controller Battery Information
Status : Optimal
Over temperature : No
Capacity remaining : 99 percent
Time remaining (at current draw): 3 days, 1 hours, 11 minutes
Logical device information
Logical device number 0
Read-cache mode : Disabled
Write-cache mode : Enabled (write-back)
Write-cache setting: Enabled (write-back) when
protected by battery
Physical Device information
Device #0
Device is a Hard drive
Size : 140009 MB
Write Cache : Disabled (write-through)
Write cache should be enabled only when battery backup is working. In other words:
- Write cache on logical device (H/W raid controller) is enabled when protected by battery
- Write cache on physical device is disabled
- The battery has enough capacity and long enough remaining time
I recommend DBAs to monitor write cache status regularly (adding this to your monitoring scripts), including battery status checking. Long time ago I was asked for urgent help to fix a problem that application performance suddenly went down. I looked into problems then found that write cache unexpectedly turned off because a battery was expired. If you successfully detected that battery capacity was decreased before write cache was disabled, you would be able to take an action before server performance suddenly goes down (i.e. allocating scheduled down time in order to replace the battery).
Quick health check with mysql commands
If you are not familiar with H/W raid controller specific command but want to check write cache status quickly, using mysqlslap or stored procedure is easy.
$ mysql -e "set global innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit=1"
$ mysqlslap --concurrency=1 --iterations=1 --engine=innodb \
--auto-generate-sql --auto-generate-sql-load-type=write \
stored procedure:
create table t (c1 int) engine=innodb;
delimiter //
create procedure sp1(IN i INTEGER)
WHILE i > 0 DO
insert into t values (1);
SET i = i - 1;
delimiter ;
set global innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit=1;
call sp1(100000);
You will be able to insert thousands of records per second if write cache is enabled. If disabled, only hundreds of inserts per second is possible, so you can easily check.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Tables on SSD, Redo/Binlog/SYSTEM-tablespace on HDD
I recently did a disk bound DBT-2 benchmarking on SSD/HDD (MySQL 5.4.0, InnoDB). Now I'm pretty confident that storing tables on SSD, redo/Binlog/SYSTEM-tablespace on HDD will be one of the best practices for the time being.
This post is a detailed benchmarking report.
(This post is very long and focusing on InnoDB only. If you are familiar with HDD/SSD/InnoDB architecture and understand what my blog title means, skipping section 1 (general theory) then reading from section 2 (benchmarking results) would be fine. )
1. General Theory of HDD, SSD and InnoDB
SSD is often called as a disruptive storage technology. Currently storage capacity is much smaller and unit price is much higher than HDD, but the situation is very rapidly changing. In the near future many people will use SSD instead of HDD.
From DBA's standpoint, you have a couple of choices for storage allocation.
- Storing all files on SSD, not using HDD at all
- Storing all files on HDD, not using SSD at all
- Using SSD and HDD altogether (some files on SSD, others on HDD).
Which is the best approach? My favorite approach is storing tables on SSD, storing Redo Log files, Binary Log files, and SYSTEM-tablespace(ibdata) on HDD. I describe a detailed reason and some DBT-2 benchmarking results below.
1.1 HDD is very good at sequential writes if write cache is enabled
Using battery backed up write cache(BBWC) is one of the best practices for RDBMS world. BBWC is normally equipped with hardware raid controller. Normally InnoDB flushes data to disks (redo log files) per each commit to guarantee durability. You can change this behavior by changing innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit parameter to 0 or 2, but default setting (1) is recommended if you need durability.
Without write cache, flushing to disks require disk rotation and disk seek. Redo logs are sequentially written, so disk seek doesn’t happen when the disk is dedicated for redo log files, but disk rotation still happens. Average disk rotation overhead is 1/2 round. Theoretical maximum throughput is only 500 flushes per second when using single 15000RPM drive (15,000 * 2 / 60 seconds = 500).
If using write cache, the situation is greatly improved. Flushing to write cache does not require disk seek/rotation so finishes very quickly. The data in write cache will be written to disk with optimal order (i.e. writing many data at one time), so total throughput is highly improved. Over 10,000 fsync() per second is not impossible.

Sometimes people say that write cache is not effective because the total write volume is the same. This is not correct. On HDD, disk seek & rotation overhead is huge. By using write cache, internally a lot of write operations are converted into small number of write operations. Then the total number of disk seeks & rotations can be much smaller. For random-write oriented files (i.e. index files), disk seeks & rotations still happen (but reduced so still very effective) , but for sequential-write oriented files (i.e. REDO log files) write cache is very effective.
Write cache needs to be protected by battery in order not to be invalidated by power failure etc.
Using H/W RAID + BBWC + HDD is used for years and now it’s a proven technology. You can setup with pretty reasonable cost.
Note that HDD/SSD storage devices also have write cache themselves, but don't turn on. It's very dangerous because it's not protected by battery so data in cache is destroyed by power failure etc.
1.2 SSD is very good at random reads, good at random writes, not so good at sequential writes, compared to HDD
Currently read/write performance on SSD highly depends on products and device drivers. SSD is very fast for random reads. I could get over 5,000 *random reads* on single Intel X25-E SSD drive. For HDD, normally only a few hundreads of random reads is possible. Over 10 times difference is huge.
For sequential reads, performance difference is smaller but there is still a significant difference on some SSDs(When I tested, single X25-E drive was two times faster than two SAS 15,000RPM RAID1 drives).
For writes, I heard both positive and negative information. I tested Intel X25-E SSD then it worked very well (I got over 2,000 random writes on single drive with write cache). But I heard from many people who tested different SSDs that some SSDs don't perform well for writes. Some cases it was much slower than HDD, some cases write performance gradually dropped after a few months, some cases it freezed for a while. You would also be concerned with a "Write Endurance" issue on SSD when running on production environments.
On HDD, there is a huge difference between random writes and sequential writes. Sequential writes is very fast on HDD with write cache. On the other hand, on SSD, there is not so much difference between random writes and sequential writes. Though performance highly depends on SSD drives themselves, you probably notice that sequential write performance is not so different between HDD and SSD (or even faster on HDD). Since HDD has a longer history and is cheaper than SSD, currently there is not a strong reason to use SSD for sequential write oriented files.
1.3 MySQL/InnoDB files
From these perspectives, it would make sense to locate random i/o oriented files on SSD, sequential write oriented files on HDD. Let's classify MySQL/InnoDB files as follows.
Random i/o oriented:
- Table files (*.ibd)
- UNDO segments (ibdata)
Sequential write oriented:
- REDO log files (ib_logfile*)
- Binary log files (binlog.XXXXXX)
- Doublewrite buffer (ibdata)
- Insert buffer (ibdata)
- Slow query logs, error logs, general query logs, etc
By default, table files (*.ibd) are not created but included in InnoDB's SYSTEM-tablespace(ibdata). By using "innodb_file_per_table" parameter, *.ibd files are created then table/index data are stored there. Table files are of course randomly read/written so storing on SSD is better. Note that write cache is also very effective on SSD so using H/W raid with BBWC + SSD would be nice.
REDO log files and Binary log files are transactional logs. They are sequentially written so you can get very good performance on HDD with write cache. Sequential disk read will happen on recovery, but normally this will not cause a performance problem because log file size is normally much smaller than data files and sequential reads are much faster than random reads (happening on data files).
Doublewrite buffer is a special feature for InnoDB. InnoDB first writes flushed pages to the "doublewrite buffer", then writing the pages to their correct positions on data files. This is to avoid page corruption (Without doublewrite buffer, page might get corrupted if power failure etc happens during writing to disks). Writing to doublewrite buffer is sequential so highly optimized for HDD. Sequential read will happen on recovery. MySQL has a parameter "skip_innodb_doublewrite" to disable doublewrite buffer, but disabling is dangerous. The amount of write data to doublewrite buffer is equivalent to that to data areas, so this is not negligible.
Insert buffer is also a special feature for InnoDB. If non-unique, secondary index blocks are not in memory, InnoDB inserts entries to a "insert buffer" to avoid random disk i/o operations. Periodically, the insert buffer is merged into the secondary index trees in the database. Insert buffer enables to reduce the number of disk i/o operations by merging i/o requests to the same block, and random i/o operations can be sequential. So insert buffer is also highly optimized for HDD. Both sequential writes and reads will happen in normal operations.
UNDO segments are random i/o oriented. To guarantee MVCC, innodb needs to register old images in UNDO segments. Reading previous images from UNDO segments on disk requires random reads. If you run a very long transaction with repeatable read (i.e. mysqldump --single-transaction) or running a long query, a lot of random reads might happen, so storing UNDO segments on SSD would be better in that case. If you run only short transactions/queries, this will not be an issue.
Based on the above, I want to use "innodb_file_per_table", then storing *.ibd files on SSD, storing ib_logfile* (REDO log files), binary logs, ibdata (SYSTEM-tablespace) on HDD.
2 Benchmarking
I ran DBT-2(disk i/o intensive) to verify whether my assumption was correct or not.
2.1 Benchmarking environment
Sun Fire X4150
CPU: Intel Xeon 3.3GHz, quad core, 8 cores in total
HDD: SAS 15,000RPM, 2 disks, RAID 1, write cache enabled on H/W raid controller
SSD: Intel X25-E, Single drive, write cache enabled on drive
(Note that this is dangerous and not recommended for production at all. I didn't have a H/W raid controller working well on Intel X25-E so I just turned on for benchmarking purpose only)
OS: RedHat Enterprise Linux 5.3 (2.6.18-128.el5)
Filesystem: ext3
I/O Scheduler: noop
MySQL version: 5.4.0
DBT-2 option:
./run_workload.sh -n -s 100 -t 1 -w 100 -d 600 -c 20
(Approximate datafile size is 9.5 GB)
(Binlog is disabled)
This is a disk-bound configuration. If you increase innodb_buffer_pool_size higher, you can get better results but I intentionally set lower to do disk i/o intensive loads.
2.2 Benchmarking results
2.2.1 HDD vs SSD
All files on HDD(two drives, RAID1): 3447.25
All files on SSD(single drive) : 14842.44
(The number is NOTPM, higher is better)
I got 4.3 times better result on SSD. As Vadim, Matt, and other many people have already shown, just replacing HDD with SSD works very well for DBT-2 benchmarking.
The following is iostat result.
2.2.2 Storing some files on SSD, others on HDD
All files on SSD : 14842.44
Redo log on HDD: 15539.8
Redo log and ibdata on HDD: 23358.63
Redo log and ibdata on tmpfs: 24076.43
Redo log and ibdata on separate SSD drives: 20450.78
These are quite interesting results. Let's see one by one. Redo log file on HDD
Storing just redo log files on HDD did not have so good effect (just 4.7% improvement). DBT-2 internally executes 14.5 DML(insert/update/delete) statements per transaction on average, so commit frequency is less than typical web applications. If you execute commit more frequently, performance difference will be bigger.The following is a statistics about how many bytes were written during single DBT-2 benchmarking. You can get this information by iostat -m.
MB written on SSD: 31658
MB written on HDD: 1928
So 31658MB were written to SSD but only 1928MB were written to HDD. 20 times difference is huge so just moving redo logs from SSD to HDD would not have big impact. Note that this statistics highly depends on applications. For DBT-2, this doesn't work anyway. Redo log and ibdata on HDD
By storing redo log and ibdata on HDD, I got much better result (14842.44->23358.63, 57% improvement!). Dirty pages are written twice (one for doublewrite buffer, the other for actual data area) so by moving ibdata, in which doublewrite buffer is allocated, to different drives, you can decrease the amount of writes to SSD by half. Since doublewrite buffer is sequentially written, it fits for HDD very well. Here is a result of iostat -m.
MB written on SSD : 23151
MB written on HDD : 25761
iostat & vmstat results are as follows. Apparently HDD was not so busy so working very well for sequential writes. Redo log and ibdata on tmpfs
I was interested in whether storing redo log and ibdata on HDD can get the "best" performance or not. To verify this, I tested to store these files on tmpfs. This is not useful in production environment at all, but it's fine to check performance higher limit. tmpfs should be faster than any other high-end SSD(including PCIe SSD). If there is not so big performance difference, moving these files from HDD to very fast SSD is not needed. Here is a result.
Redo log and ibdata on HDD(NOTPM): 23358.63
Redo log and ibdata on tmpfs(NOTPM): 24076.43
I got only 3% performance improvement. Actually this is not suprise because HDD was not maxed out when testing "redo log and ibdata on HDD". Redo log and ibdata on separate SSD drive
Some people might be interested in how performance is different if using two SSD drives, one for *ibd, the other for Redo/ibdata. The following is a result.
Redo log and ibdata on HDD(NOTPM): 23358.63
Redo log and ibdata on separate SSD drives(NOTPM): 20450.78
So I got 12.5% worse result compared to HDD. Does this mean Intel X25-E is worse for sequential writes than SAS HDD? Actually the situation seemed not so simple. When I did a very simple sequential write oriented benchmarking (mysqlslap insert) on single drive, I got very close numbers compared to HDD. So there must be other reasons for performance drop. The following is iostat result.
sda activity on SSD-SSD test was about 15% lower than on SSD-HDD test even though sdb was not fully busy. I have not identified the reason yet,but currently I assume that SATA interface (Host Bus Adapter port) got a bit saturated. I'll try other H/W components (SATA HDD, using different HBAs which has many more ports, etc) and see what will happen in the near future.
Anyway, any high end SSD won't beat tmpfs numbers(24076.43NOTPM) so HDD(23358.63NOTPM) would be enough.
3 Conclusion
Now I'm pretty confident that for many InnoDB based applications it would be a best practice to store *.ibd files on SSD, and store Redo log files, binary log files, and ibdata (SYSTEM-tablespace) on HDD. I intentionally disabled binary logs for these benchmarking because currently binlog has concurrency issues (breaking InnoDB group-commit). Hopefully this issue will be fixed soon in future 5.4 so I'll be able to show you detailed results at that time. In theory same principles as redo logs(storing on HDD) can be applied.
I have done many other benchmarks (disabling doublewrite buffer, running with AUTOCOMMIT, UNDO log performance difference between HDD and SSD, etc) so I'd like to share some interesting results in other posts.
A very interesting point I have seen is that "The amount of disk reads/writes" really matters on SSD, which does not matter on HDD. This is because disk seeks & rotation overhead is very small on SSD, so data transfer speed relatively got important. For example, doublewrite buffer really influenced performance on SSD, which did not have impact on HDD. This point might force architecture changes for RDBMS. From this perspective, I am highly impressed by PBXT. I'd like to do intensive tests on PBXT in the near future.
This post is a detailed benchmarking report.
(This post is very long and focusing on InnoDB only. If you are familiar with HDD/SSD/InnoDB architecture and understand what my blog title means, skipping section 1 (general theory) then reading from section 2 (benchmarking results) would be fine. )
1. General Theory of HDD, SSD and InnoDB
SSD is often called as a disruptive storage technology. Currently storage capacity is much smaller and unit price is much higher than HDD, but the situation is very rapidly changing. In the near future many people will use SSD instead of HDD.
From DBA's standpoint, you have a couple of choices for storage allocation.
- Storing all files on SSD, not using HDD at all
- Storing all files on HDD, not using SSD at all
- Using SSD and HDD altogether (some files on SSD, others on HDD).
Which is the best approach? My favorite approach is storing tables on SSD, storing Redo Log files, Binary Log files, and SYSTEM-tablespace(ibdata) on HDD. I describe a detailed reason and some DBT-2 benchmarking results below.
1.1 HDD is very good at sequential writes if write cache is enabled
Using battery backed up write cache(BBWC) is one of the best practices for RDBMS world. BBWC is normally equipped with hardware raid controller. Normally InnoDB flushes data to disks (redo log files) per each commit to guarantee durability. You can change this behavior by changing innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit parameter to 0 or 2, but default setting (1) is recommended if you need durability.
Without write cache, flushing to disks require disk rotation and disk seek. Redo logs are sequentially written, so disk seek doesn’t happen when the disk is dedicated for redo log files, but disk rotation still happens. Average disk rotation overhead is 1/2 round. Theoretical maximum throughput is only 500 flushes per second when using single 15000RPM drive (15,000 * 2 / 60 seconds = 500).
If using write cache, the situation is greatly improved. Flushing to write cache does not require disk seek/rotation so finishes very quickly. The data in write cache will be written to disk with optimal order (i.e. writing many data at one time), so total throughput is highly improved. Over 10,000 fsync() per second is not impossible.
Sometimes people say that write cache is not effective because the total write volume is the same. This is not correct. On HDD, disk seek & rotation overhead is huge. By using write cache, internally a lot of write operations are converted into small number of write operations. Then the total number of disk seeks & rotations can be much smaller. For random-write oriented files (i.e. index files), disk seeks & rotations still happen (but reduced so still very effective) , but for sequential-write oriented files (i.e. REDO log files) write cache is very effective.
Write cache needs to be protected by battery in order not to be invalidated by power failure etc.
Using H/W RAID + BBWC + HDD is used for years and now it’s a proven technology. You can setup with pretty reasonable cost.
Note that HDD/SSD storage devices also have write cache themselves, but don't turn on. It's very dangerous because it's not protected by battery so data in cache is destroyed by power failure etc.
1.2 SSD is very good at random reads, good at random writes, not so good at sequential writes, compared to HDD
Currently read/write performance on SSD highly depends on products and device drivers. SSD is very fast for random reads. I could get over 5,000 *random reads* on single Intel X25-E SSD drive. For HDD, normally only a few hundreads of random reads is possible. Over 10 times difference is huge.
For sequential reads, performance difference is smaller but there is still a significant difference on some SSDs(When I tested, single X25-E drive was two times faster than two SAS 15,000RPM RAID1 drives).
For writes, I heard both positive and negative information. I tested Intel X25-E SSD then it worked very well (I got over 2,000 random writes on single drive with write cache). But I heard from many people who tested different SSDs that some SSDs don't perform well for writes. Some cases it was much slower than HDD, some cases write performance gradually dropped after a few months, some cases it freezed for a while. You would also be concerned with a "Write Endurance" issue on SSD when running on production environments.
On HDD, there is a huge difference between random writes and sequential writes. Sequential writes is very fast on HDD with write cache. On the other hand, on SSD, there is not so much difference between random writes and sequential writes. Though performance highly depends on SSD drives themselves, you probably notice that sequential write performance is not so different between HDD and SSD (or even faster on HDD). Since HDD has a longer history and is cheaper than SSD, currently there is not a strong reason to use SSD for sequential write oriented files.
1.3 MySQL/InnoDB files
From these perspectives, it would make sense to locate random i/o oriented files on SSD, sequential write oriented files on HDD. Let's classify MySQL/InnoDB files as follows.
Random i/o oriented:
- Table files (*.ibd)
- UNDO segments (ibdata)
Sequential write oriented:
- REDO log files (ib_logfile*)
- Binary log files (binlog.XXXXXX)
- Doublewrite buffer (ibdata)
- Insert buffer (ibdata)
- Slow query logs, error logs, general query logs, etc
By default, table files (*.ibd) are not created but included in InnoDB's SYSTEM-tablespace(ibdata). By using "innodb_file_per_table" parameter, *.ibd files are created then table/index data are stored there. Table files are of course randomly read/written so storing on SSD is better. Note that write cache is also very effective on SSD so using H/W raid with BBWC + SSD would be nice.
REDO log files and Binary log files are transactional logs. They are sequentially written so you can get very good performance on HDD with write cache. Sequential disk read will happen on recovery, but normally this will not cause a performance problem because log file size is normally much smaller than data files and sequential reads are much faster than random reads (happening on data files).
Doublewrite buffer is a special feature for InnoDB. InnoDB first writes flushed pages to the "doublewrite buffer", then writing the pages to their correct positions on data files. This is to avoid page corruption (Without doublewrite buffer, page might get corrupted if power failure etc happens during writing to disks). Writing to doublewrite buffer is sequential so highly optimized for HDD. Sequential read will happen on recovery. MySQL has a parameter "skip_innodb_doublewrite" to disable doublewrite buffer, but disabling is dangerous. The amount of write data to doublewrite buffer is equivalent to that to data areas, so this is not negligible.
Insert buffer is also a special feature for InnoDB. If non-unique, secondary index blocks are not in memory, InnoDB inserts entries to a "insert buffer" to avoid random disk i/o operations. Periodically, the insert buffer is merged into the secondary index trees in the database. Insert buffer enables to reduce the number of disk i/o operations by merging i/o requests to the same block, and random i/o operations can be sequential. So insert buffer is also highly optimized for HDD. Both sequential writes and reads will happen in normal operations.
UNDO segments are random i/o oriented. To guarantee MVCC, innodb needs to register old images in UNDO segments. Reading previous images from UNDO segments on disk requires random reads. If you run a very long transaction with repeatable read (i.e. mysqldump --single-transaction) or running a long query, a lot of random reads might happen, so storing UNDO segments on SSD would be better in that case. If you run only short transactions/queries, this will not be an issue.
Based on the above, I want to use "innodb_file_per_table", then storing *.ibd files on SSD, storing ib_logfile* (REDO log files), binary logs, ibdata (SYSTEM-tablespace) on HDD.
2 Benchmarking
I ran DBT-2(disk i/o intensive) to verify whether my assumption was correct or not.
2.1 Benchmarking environment
Sun Fire X4150
CPU: Intel Xeon 3.3GHz, quad core, 8 cores in total
HDD: SAS 15,000RPM, 2 disks, RAID 1, write cache enabled on H/W raid controller
SSD: Intel X25-E, Single drive, write cache enabled on drive
(Note that this is dangerous and not recommended for production at all. I didn't have a H/W raid controller working well on Intel X25-E so I just turned on for benchmarking purpose only)
OS: RedHat Enterprise Linux 5.3 (2.6.18-128.el5)
Filesystem: ext3
I/O Scheduler: noop
MySQL version: 5.4.0
DBT-2 option:
./run_workload.sh -n -s 100 -t 1 -w 100 -d 600 -c 20
(Approximate datafile size is 9.5 GB)
(Binlog is disabled)
This is a disk-bound configuration. If you increase innodb_buffer_pool_size higher, you can get better results but I intentionally set lower to do disk i/o intensive loads.
2.2 Benchmarking results
2.2.1 HDD vs SSD
All files on HDD(two drives, RAID1): 3447.25
All files on SSD(single drive) : 14842.44
(The number is NOTPM, higher is better)
I got 4.3 times better result on SSD. As Vadim, Matt, and other many people have already shown, just replacing HDD with SSD works very well for DBT-2 benchmarking.
The following is iostat result.
HDD 3447.25 NOTPM
Device: rrqm/s wrqm/s r/s w/s rMB/s
sdf1 4.60 80.03 363.48 377.30 6.52
wMB/s avgrq-sz avgqu-sz await svctm %util
10.14 46.06 17.89 24.18 1.35 99.98
us sy id wa st
3 1 50 46 0
SSD 14842.44 NOTPM
Device: rrqm/s wrqm/s r/s w/s rMB/s
sda1 0.00 11.90 1738.65 1812.33 30.73
wMB/s avgrq-sz avgqu-sz await svctm %util
46.42 44.49 4.01 1.13 0.27 95.03
us sy id wa st
18 5 57 20 0
2.2.2 Storing some files on SSD, others on HDD
All files on SSD : 14842.44
Redo log on HDD: 15539.8
Redo log and ibdata on HDD: 23358.63
Redo log and ibdata on tmpfs: 24076.43
Redo log and ibdata on separate SSD drives: 20450.78
These are quite interesting results. Let's see one by one. Redo log file on HDD
Storing just redo log files on HDD did not have so good effect (just 4.7% improvement). DBT-2 internally executes 14.5 DML(insert/update/delete) statements per transaction on average, so commit frequency is less than typical web applications. If you execute commit more frequently, performance difference will be bigger.The following is a statistics about how many bytes were written during single DBT-2 benchmarking. You can get this information by iostat -m.
MB written on SSD: 31658
MB written on HDD: 1928
So 31658MB were written to SSD but only 1928MB were written to HDD. 20 times difference is huge so just moving redo logs from SSD to HDD would not have big impact. Note that this statistics highly depends on applications. For DBT-2, this doesn't work anyway. Redo log and ibdata on HDD
By storing redo log and ibdata on HDD, I got much better result (14842.44->23358.63, 57% improvement!). Dirty pages are written twice (one for doublewrite buffer, the other for actual data area) so by moving ibdata, in which doublewrite buffer is allocated, to different drives, you can decrease the amount of writes to SSD by half. Since doublewrite buffer is sequentially written, it fits for HDD very well. Here is a result of iostat -m.
MB written on SSD : 23151
MB written on HDD : 25761
iostat & vmstat results are as follows. Apparently HDD was not so busy so working very well for sequential writes.
Device: rrqm/s wrqm/s r/s w/s rMB/s
sda1(SATA SSD) 0.03 0.00 2807.15 1909.00 49.48
sdf1(SAS HDD) 0.00 547.08 0.38 737.22 0.01
wMB/s avgrq-sz avgqu-sz await svctm %util
35.91 37.08 2.90 0.61 0.18 84.69
40.03 111.17 0.13 0.18 0.11 7.79
us sy id wa st
28 9 49 14 0 Redo log and ibdata on tmpfs
I was interested in whether storing redo log and ibdata on HDD can get the "best" performance or not. To verify this, I tested to store these files on tmpfs. This is not useful in production environment at all, but it's fine to check performance higher limit. tmpfs should be faster than any other high-end SSD(including PCIe SSD). If there is not so big performance difference, moving these files from HDD to very fast SSD is not needed. Here is a result.
Redo log and ibdata on HDD(NOTPM): 23358.63
Redo log and ibdata on tmpfs(NOTPM): 24076.43
I got only 3% performance improvement. Actually this is not suprise because HDD was not maxed out when testing "redo log and ibdata on HDD". Redo log and ibdata on separate SSD drive
Some people might be interested in how performance is different if using two SSD drives, one for *ibd, the other for Redo/ibdata. The following is a result.
Redo log and ibdata on HDD(NOTPM): 23358.63
Redo log and ibdata on separate SSD drives(NOTPM): 20450.78
So I got 12.5% worse result compared to HDD. Does this mean Intel X25-E is worse for sequential writes than SAS HDD? Actually the situation seemed not so simple. When I did a very simple sequential write oriented benchmarking (mysqlslap insert) on single drive, I got very close numbers compared to HDD. So there must be other reasons for performance drop. The following is iostat result.
Device: rrqm/s wrqm/s r/s w/s rMB/s
sda1(SATA SSD) 0.00 0.00 2430.32 1657.15 43.32
sdb1(SATA SSD) 0.00 12.60 0.75 1017.43 0.01
wMB/s avgrq-sz avgqu-sz await svctm %util
31.06 37.27 2.29 0.56 0.16 67.28
34.46 69.33 0.57 0.56 0.27 27.02
Device: rrqm/s wrqm/s r/s w/s rMB/s
sda1(SATA SSD) 0.03 0.00 2807.15 1909.00 49.48
sdf1(SAS HDD) 0.00 547.08 0.38 737.22 0.01
wMB/s avgrq-sz avgqu-sz await svctm %util
35.91 37.08 2.90 0.61 0.18 84.69
40.03 111.17 0.13 0.18 0.11 7.79
sda activity on SSD-SSD test was about 15% lower than on SSD-HDD test even though sdb was not fully busy. I have not identified the reason yet,but currently I assume that SATA interface (Host Bus Adapter port) got a bit saturated. I'll try other H/W components (SATA HDD, using different HBAs which has many more ports, etc) and see what will happen in the near future.
Anyway, any high end SSD won't beat tmpfs numbers(24076.43NOTPM) so HDD(23358.63NOTPM) would be enough.
3 Conclusion
Now I'm pretty confident that for many InnoDB based applications it would be a best practice to store *.ibd files on SSD, and store Redo log files, binary log files, and ibdata (SYSTEM-tablespace) on HDD. I intentionally disabled binary logs for these benchmarking because currently binlog has concurrency issues (breaking InnoDB group-commit). Hopefully this issue will be fixed soon in future 5.4 so I'll be able to show you detailed results at that time. In theory same principles as redo logs(storing on HDD) can be applied.
I have done many other benchmarks (disabling doublewrite buffer, running with AUTOCOMMIT, UNDO log performance difference between HDD and SSD, etc) so I'd like to share some interesting results in other posts.
A very interesting point I have seen is that "The amount of disk reads/writes" really matters on SSD, which does not matter on HDD. This is because disk seeks & rotation overhead is very small on SSD, so data transfer speed relatively got important. For example, doublewrite buffer really influenced performance on SSD, which did not have impact on HDD. This point might force architecture changes for RDBMS. From this perspective, I am highly impressed by PBXT. I'd like to do intensive tests on PBXT in the near future.
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